Tuesday, November 1, 2022

One Month and Counting Down

Date04 Nov 22

Total All Caminos: 1620 miles
Planes: Rochester -> Munich -> Rochester
$ 810
Total Planes: $ 810

What is the Munchen Jakobsweg (Munich Way of St James)?

The Way of St. James from Munich to Lindau on Lake Constance starts in Munich, the state capital of Bavaria. 

Even when Munich was only known as the settlement "Zu den Mönchen", this served as a meeting point for pilgrims who - coming from eastern regions - continued their journey to distant Santiago de Compostela. 

Today, the Munich Way of St. James is divided into eleven daily stages and thus sets scenic and thematic focal points, because it not only leads through breathtaking landscapes, but also presents pilgrims with the important stations, churches and monasteries that have lined the path since time immemorial.

Pilgrims who do not yet know Munich are therefore advised to stay overnight in order to experience this beautiful city. The pilgrims leave the city of over a million inhabitants on a path along the green Isar valley, beautifully along the Isar. 

On the following days, pilgrims to St. James encounter the impressive Bavarian baroque style in many monasteries and village churches along the way. 

Through the "Pfaffenwinkel" it goes again and again over meadows and fields and through shady forests over a gently undulating landscape. 

Lake Starnberg and Lake Ammer are on the way, after a relaxing beer in the beer garden you can spend the night in the Andechs monastery for a donation - if you have a pilgrim's pass.

The Ostallgäu awaits the pilgrim friends with lovely nature trails and spruced up villages and towns.

The Pilgrimage destination is Lindau, which is fantastically situated on Lake Constance and invites the pilgrims to enjoy and linger.

Meaningful Moment

I've been battling a sense of ennui for some time now.

Sidenote: Way back in the early spring of 2020 with the economic shutdown in full force, I started thinking about returning to Switzerland. I had hiked on the Via Francigena through the French speaking portion. 
I started to look at other routes in Switzerland. The most interesting were in the German speaking portion, but I did not speak German, anymore than I spoke French. 
I suppose that one good thing that came out of Covid was having the time to study new subjects. One of those new subjects was the study of German at the local community college as a senior for free, if I audited the course. 
Long story short, I opted to start learning German, and from there I began to think about a pilgrimage along the Via Francisca in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. Although I am not headed to Switzerland, I am now headed to Bavaria.

So anyway back to the present. I've now completed six various courses in German, and I am burned out. I have not had the opportunity to actually put  all that repetitive drilling in reading, writing, listening and speaking to use. My partner and I were planning a trip after the New Year's and at the same time, I decided that if not now, when???

So now it is. Dec 1st, 2022 I board the plane for my flight to Munich to begin the Muncher Jakobsweg.

It comes down to one of two things: either I will succeed at this foray into Germany or I will learn something about myself.

Random Thought of the Day

At this point, it's about checking gear.

  •  shoes fit and are comfortable and broken in
  •  pack fits snugly on the back
  •  got the right gear
And checking over the paperwork:
  • Passport (expires 24)
  • Covid vaccine and booster record ( Germany no longer requires )
  • Global Entry (expires late 23)
  • Camino Passport
  • trip insurance 
    • Trip Cancellation / Interruption: 100 %
    •  Medical: $50,000
    • Med Evac/Repatriation: $100,000
    • Bag Coverage / Delay: $250 / $300
    • Baggage: $1000

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Slowly Returning to the Regular Life Date Dec 19th, 2022 Total This Camino: 114 miles Total 2022 Caminos: 438 miles Total All Caminos: 1734...