Saturday, December 10, 2022

Day 07: Trials and Tribulations

Day 07: From Marktoberdorf to Kempten

DateDec 9th, 2022
Route map
Route trace
Today's distance:20 miles
Total This Camino:114 miles
Total 2022 Caminos:438 miles
Total All Caminos:1734 miles
Lodging: Airbnb @ $40
Total Lodging:$ 450
Planes:$810 Rochester -> Munich -> Rochester
+ $75 checked bag
Total Planes:$ 885
Buses / Trains / Taxis:
Total Buses / Trains / Taxis:$15
Total Food:$ 173

Meaningful Moment

I'm homesick.

That did not influence my decision to end hiking. However these factors did:
  • The weather over the next 48 hrs forecasts snow. On Mt Hoherreissen I foresaw issues if I started sliding from a fall. It had ice and snow on it.
  • The next stage is 18 miles with a combined 3000 ft of elevation change. The profile chart showed multiple problem areas.
  • The second to last stage is even worse.
  • I found a great price for a one way plane ticket from Munich on Tuesday. To see more of Munich, I would need to head back tomorrow.
After considering all these factors, ... I am done. 
A contributing factor was that I have seen enough farmland and forests. Ha-ha.

Random Thought of the Day

Today was 20 mi and I kind of knew it. But tomorrow and the day after are even more challenging because of either numerous mountain climbs and descents or even further distance - 24 mi.

I'm just not into that. So now that I'm at the b&b for the night, which in reality is just a room in an apartment in an apartment building, I will be figuring out what's next.

On the Road / Notable memories

Got 1/2 mi underway when I realized I left my charger and phone cable back in the hotel. At least I remembered before I was 3 miles away.


After figuring out how I wanted this trip to proceed, I headed out into this very quiet residential neighborhood. 
I found an Italian restaurant. Inside it belied my initial impressions. The place was packed and happening. So I stayed to have a beer. 
Then I found a quiet and peaceful coffee shop in the neighborhood. I got a decaf and a cheesecake. 

Came across this little tiny shed, offered up for hikers to take a rest. I had lunch here.

This guy was checking me out when I stepped out of the shed.

The forest was particularly beautiful this morning and afternoon.

Someone put Camino de Santiago inspirational markers in the second half of the forest.

Signpost -companion - leader
The selected material - shell limestone - should be a hint as a symbol of the Camino of Santiago.

Tonight's AirBnb.

Worker flats.

Now that's a password.

Friday, December 9, 2022

Day 06: It's Decision Time

Day 06: From Bernbeuren to Marktoberdorf

DateDec 8th, 2022
Route map
Route trace
Today's distance:14 miles
Total This Camino:94 miles
Total 2022 Caminos:418 miles
Total All Caminos:1714 miles
Lodging:Arthotel Ana @ $85
Total Lodging:$ 410
Planes:$810 Rochester -> Munich -> Rochester
+ $75 checked bag
Total Planes:$ 885
Buses / Trains / Taxis:
Total Buses / Trains / Taxis:$15
Total Food:$ 173

Decision Time

I've got six stages under my belt now and I'm feeling pretty good. The experience so far has been everything I could have wanted.

But now the game changes .

The next three stages are from tough to brutal. The distances go from 17 mi to 23 mi per stage.
The altitude changes go from 300 to 400 ft total up and 300 to 400 ft total down per stage. One day has an unbelievable 1,000 ft elevation climb and descent in total.

Finally the weather for the next 3 days is intermittent periods of rain and snow. The snow I don't mind so much as long as the terrain isn't bad, but rain in high 30 degree temperatures is not good.

Right at this moment I don't have the desire to tackle them as they exist. That means I need to do one of four things: 
  • Follow the Jakobsweg as is
  • Skip stages or separate them into smaller chunks
  • Leave the Jakobsweg and devise my own route
  • Possibly just quit now and sightsee for the rest of my time here
As soon as I finished my shower and got my laundry washed, I just started reviewing all the possibilities with all the info I have.

I have two lists of accommodations plus Airbnb and
I have two apps for stage descriptions.
I have Google maps to calculate my own stage distances.
And in the forefront of my mind is the fact that my body is 69 years old, and my feet and legs are feeling the distance already.


Initial planning is complete. The best I can figure out is to take it one day at a time. 

So tomorrow my stage is 18 miles with approximately total elevation change of 300 to 400 ft up and down ... unless I have some brilliant idea between now and tomorrow morning.

The remaining two brutal stages, I will have to sort out tomorrow night.


High food bill today but I treated myself to two different coffee shops and then a Christmas market and finally a good dinner for tomorrow's long hike.

Meaningful Moment

Leaving Walter and Ilsa's Pfaffenwinkle Albergue. I had such an excellent time there over dinner and breakfast with some very friendly people. And I slept like a rock last night.

In Stötten, I stopped a lady to ask if there was a coffee shop in town. She didn't think so but she saw my scallop shell on my backpack and wished me a Buen Camino. Always brings a smile to my face when I hear those words.

A few minutes later as I was walking down the street, she pulled up in her car and told me about a bakery shop that also happens to serve coffee, which is where I am now. Camino angels provide.

As I was coming down from Mount Auerberg, a man popped out from the left off another trail. We talked for a while. Always nice to meet a fellow hiker even in passing.

Random Thought of the Day

Mount Auerberg was certainly passable but it definitely had ice and slick trails of mud. I have to rethink what the rest of this Camino is going to look like as I have much higher mountains in the next few days.

Trying real hard to remember why I prefer mountains over flat planes. lol

On the Road / Notable memories

In Stötten, I had a good cup of coffee and a chocolate cookie which was quite the treat after having tackled Auerberg mountain.

I lit a candle in the vestibule of St Martin's Church as a symbol of burning away negative thoughts, feelings and vibrations.


In Marktoberdorf. I asked the lady at the desk of the hotel for a recommendation for coffee shop. She told me the name and I was left astonished. When I asked her to repeat it, I heard the exact same name. 

So I asked her to write it out. This is the name of the coffee shop she recommended: Cafe Muckefuck.

I couldn't bring myself to repeat the name.

Of course, the linguistic issue is that the German letter u is not pronounced like the American letter u, but I can't say properly the German letter you. Lol

On the way up Auerberg mountain

This handsome guy came out and followed me for a while.

Just a spectacular view of the Bavarian Alps from Auerberg mountain

St Peter and Paul church

I lit the candle on the left as a symbol of burning away negative feelings.

Some of the people remembered at St Peter and Paul's Church

Lunch time coffee break

Leaving Stötten, and headed for Bertoldshofen.

More blue sky that I've seen in a week

So nice out that I actually don't even have to wear my Buffalo Bills parka

On this spot in the year 1841 H. H. Pfarrer died, killed for an unknown reason

Best place I've stayed in this entire trip

This is an amazing room for only $80.

ArtHotel Ana

I came across the Christmas festival. Had myself a waffle, some cashews and listened to this group.

Day 05: Staying with my Hosts

Day 05: Schongau to Bernbeuren

DateDec 7th, 2022
Route map
Route trace
Today's distance:10 miles
Total This Camino:80 miles
Total 2022 Caminos:404 miles
Total All Caminos:1700 miles
Lodging:Pfaffenwinckel Herberge @ $25
Total Lodging:$ 325
Planes:$810 Rochester -> Munich -> Rochester
+ $75 checked bag
Total Planes:$ 885
Buses / Trains / Taxis:
Total Buses / Trains / Taxis:$15
Total Food:$ 135

Meaningful Moment

Pfaffenwinkel Herberge. 

Walter and Ilsa have been amazing kind hosts. They made me feel at home with a home cooked meal and nice dinner conversation. This has been a great stay.

Walter had to step out for a bit. Ilsa and I conversed about our caminos and shared life stories.

They had in fact closed up the albergue for the season, but opened it up for me regardless.

When I started this journey across Bavaria, I never imagined that I would be invited into a family.

Random Thought of the Day

I had a nice lunch in the town of Burggen, sitting on a bench in the town center and taking in the atmosphere. I barely noticed how cold it was to be having lunch in 38° f.

Yesterday I made a reservation at the albergue in Bernbeuren for tonight.
Today on the way out of Burggen and as I was walking along the road, a driver hit his horn and immediately pulled over by me.
He rolled down the window and yelled out my name. It was Walter, the owner of the albergue that I'm staying at tonight. I guess he figured that it could only be me hiking along the road in December.
I asked Walter if it was that obvious that I was the one, and he laughed and said so quite clearly.

On the Road / Notable memories

Knowing that I had scheduled a rest day of 9 miles, I slept in a little later, and I ate breakfast slower and when I got on the road, I eased my pace.

I even took time out to stop at a McDonald's for an orange juice.

The weather today was chilly and damp, but my clothes held up so I brought along the right gear.

The day involved walking asking lots of farmland and forests. 
All the greenery was very tranquil to walk through.

Hotel Blaue Traube

Altstadt, Schongau

Typical of the farmland

One of many forests today

Two signs for Burggen, pointing in the same direction, and they have different distances.



St Ignatius church, Bernbeuren

Pfaffenwinkel Herberge. Named after this area of Bavaria.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Day 04: The highest of highs and the lowest of lows

Day 04: From Wessobrunn to Schongau

DateDec 6th, 2022
Route map
Route trace
Today's distance: 20 miles
Total This Camino: 70 miles
Total 2022 Caminos: 394 miles
Total All Caminos: 1690 miles
Lodging: Hotel Blaue Traube, Schongau @ $80
Total Lodging: $ 290
Planes: $810 Rochester -> Munich -> Rochester
+ $75 checked bag
Total Planes: $ 885
Buses / Trains / Taxis:
Total Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 15
Food: $ 25
Total Food: $ 120

Meaningful Moment

Seeing the Bavarian Alps from high atop Hoherreissen while I'm sitting on a bench next to the Catholic Church built on this mountain top.

Random Thought of the Day

How could this day get any better!
How could this day get any worse?

On the Road / Notable memories

My stay at Uschi's albergue was so much better than any hotel. It had a Camino spirit . She was warm and gracious and charming, and I so appreciated the warmth. Not ripping on the various hotel staff that I've met, but she was different.

Around 8:00 a.m. I hiked into Wessobrunn to grab  breakfast at the bakery shop. As I was taking my backpack off in front of the store, this man walked past me and wished me a Buen Camino. He saw the Camino shell on my backpack. He no sooner went in when another man stopped to ask me where was I going to and where did I come from as in country of origin.

It had that Camino feeling of people being interested in you.

Spent the morning walking through farmland and small villages and forests. It was pretty.

By noon I had a decision to make. I could either bypass the highest point on today's hike, a 300 ft rapid climb and descent, or I could actually do it. I decided to take the mountain on.

At the top, I visited a beautiful church on this mountaintop and I sat down to have lunch on a bench by the church, overlooking the snow capped Bavarian Alps. It was an unbelievably beautiful moment.

The descent down was tricky and I had to go slowly, so by the time I got to the bottom, I was running late as it was already 1:00 p.m.

So I kicked it into overdrive as I still had 8 mi to go or maybe 9 mi. I passed thru forests and farms, over asphalt and gravel and dirt and mud.  Constantly looking down at my footfalls to make sure that I was steady, I managed in the middle of a forest to completely miss a turn. Having to backtrack added another mile to the day's hike.

While all this was going on, I still had not heard back from the lady at whose albergue where I wanted to spend the night. I tried a couple of other quick calls, but eventually no one got back to me.

It was now around 4:00 p.m. I had no place to sleep in Rottenbuch and was running out of options with still 4 mi to go.

Having just completed another steep and tricky descent on a slope headed down a riverbank, it was decision time. Press on to Rottenbuch and hope I find something, or completely abort the plan and try something new.

I aborted the plan. Using my booking apps, I found a place 4 miles in the opposite direction, well away from the Camino trail. 

So that was my decision:
    Stay on the trail or,
     Leave the trail completely

It was about 4:00 p.m. and the sun goes down around 4:30 and it gets dark a little after 5:00. I certainly did not want to be hiking in the dark on a road.

Either way I had a problem.

So I finally decided to split from the trail and I booked a place, 4 miles to the north and in the wrong direction. Now I only had to get there before it got dark.

I made it and I needed a really long shower and I really needed to do my clothes and I really needed to take care of my feet which were aching something fierce. 

My 16-mile day had just turned into a 20 mi hike. 

My 7-hour day I just turned into a 9-hour day.

When I got into the room, I was spent and exhausted and tired and beaten down.

After resting, I felt better.
I went out around 8pm and there was a Christmas festival in the Town square. Lots of kiosks offering arts and crafts and food. I took a look at the half a meter bratwurst but decided it was too early in the night for that. So I ended up in a coffee shop where I had a latte and a super sweet piece of roll cake.

When I went back out again later that night, the festival had closed down. So I ended up ordering sushi from a Vietnamese restaurant in a German town. How international can I get?

Haid bei Wessobrunn, a very very small hamlet.

St Johannes church, Wessobrunn

Breakfast at the local bakery


St Leonard church, Forst

St Leonard church

"Storm and snow is in the roof area of the church, be careful."

Schwarzlaich moor

Black spawn bog

While sitting on a bench outside the pilgrimage church eating lunch, I had this magnificent view of the Bavarian Alps.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Day 03: All kinds of hiking today

Day 03: From Herrsching to Wessobrun

DateDec 5th, 2022
Route map
Route trace
Today's distance: 16 miles
Total This Camino: 50 miles
Total 2022 Caminos: 374 miles
Total All Caminos: 1670 miles
Lodging: Uschi's Herberge @ $20
Total Lodging: $ 210
Planes: $810 Rochester -> Munich -> Rochester
+ $75 checked bag
Total Planes: $ 885
Buses / Trains / Taxis:
Total Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 15
Food: $ 32 Bfast @ Pegasus / Dinner @ Gasthof zur Post
Total Food: $ 95

Meaningful Moment

Stopping in at Uschi's albergue. 

Yes, this is an albergue. When I walked up to the front of the house, there was a Camino scallop shell on the gate. Right away, I felt good .
While getting settled in, Uschi and I talked for quite a while, mostly in German. That made me feel good that I had developed that ability. Of course I realize, I'm not conversational but it's good to be self-sufficient. 
And I am enthralled that I am in an albergue, not a hostel or a hotel.

Now if only it wasn't raining outside.

Random Thought of the Day

Starting out this morning around 9:00 a.m. Thought I'd take a little bit of a later start. The weather for the day is kind of hellish. So I'll just have to grin and bear it.

Started out the day in Bavaria version of the Finger Lakes. Ended the day in the foothills of the Bavarian Alps.

For whatever reason that I finally had my first German meal only on day four here in Germany, I had a fantastic dinner which should keep me powered up for tomorrow. No junk food tonight.

Before leaving Rochester, I headed down to REI, knowing that it was winter, and that I might be walking in the dark. Came in very handy tonight, as the albergue that I'm staying at, is essentially on a country road with no lighting. The reflective tapes made it real easy for the drivers to see me lol.

I am having some lower body issues that I need to keep an eye on. 
Right foot has some consistent low-grade pain on the outside of the step.
Left shin fascia have a low grade ache. 
Upper quads are feeling tight and kind of aching.

By the end of the day, it had not rained or snowed contrary to the weather reports. However after I was resting in bed, it did start to rain. At that point I didn't care. It was only for a little while anyway.

On the Road / Notable memories

All day long the weather forecast was rain and snow, but thankfully it held off until I made it to the Pilgrim hostel. 

After yesterday's tough hike, I started today with about a 5 mi hike along the Ammer Lake beachfront. It was serene.

Then I had to take highways for about 5 mi. Half the time I had a sidewalk, the other half of the time I had about 6 in of paved gravel next to the asphalt lane. This was not a serene experience lol. 

The last third of the hike was beautiful. It was a alternating mix of forest and farmland in the rolling hills of Bavaria. I came across two very pretty chapels in the various forests.

While walking through the farmland, I came across cows and sheep, apparently blissfully enjoying the pasture.
Today there was almost nobody on the last 3rd of the hike. Every once in awhile I might come across a runner or someone out with their dog, but it was the longest in which it was just me and nature.

It provided a real nice stretch in which to remember what it is I like about hiking.

Lake Ammer on the way out of Herrsching.

I'm unsure of what mountains these are, but as I was walking south along Lake Ammee, the clouds and fogs broke enough for me to see them in the distance.

Out of the more urbanized kinds of parks and finally in a rustic forest setting.

Stopped for a protein bar and some much needed rest.

Grilled pork loin with three different sauces and homemade spaetzle

A quiet place for a rest stop

Grilled pork loin with three sauces and homemade spaetzel

Uschi's albergue

Back Home Wrap up

Slowly Returning to the Regular Life Date Dec 19th, 2022 Total This Camino: 114 miles Total 2022 Caminos: 438 miles Total All Caminos: 1734...