Monday, December 19, 2022

Back Home Wrap up

Slowly Returning to the Regular Life

DateDec 19th, 2022
Total This Camino:114 miles
Total 2022 Caminos:438 miles
Total All Caminos:1734 miles
Total Lodging:$ 675
Planes:$810 Rochester -> Munich -> Rochester
+ $75 checked bag
$680 Munich -> Rochester
Total Planes:$ 1550
Buses / Trains / Taxis:$13 to airport
Total Buses / Trains / Taxis:$45

Total Food:$ 220

Meaningful Moment

I missed everyone back home so much.
Maybe it was the short hours of daylight in Germany, on the order of 9 or 10 hours.
Maybe it was the absolutely exhausting hiking (cold, distances, terrain).
But this was much more of a challenge that I ever envisioned.

However in some sort of coincidence, on the day that I decided to stop, I came across a link to another German camino, the Via Imperii. It runs from Berlin to Leipzig, and it sounds very interesting. But I think I won't do it in December.

I took two days in Munich for sight-seeing, and it did make a difference. When I got back to Munich, I had little left to give. After the two rest days, I started to recover.

My German studies over the past two years came through. I did not discuss the meaning of life or quantum mechanics, but I did get directions, order food, find rooms and all the  other survival skills for a stranger in a strange land.

And the German studies gave me something to mentally challenge myself during the worst of the Covid pandemic, when I couldn't hike.

I still regret missing the 2020 and 2021 hiking years in Europe. My body has changed, and at some points of the Muncher Camino, I began to doubt my ability to continue at this pace. 
I guess only time will tell, altho' being unidirectional, I know what time is going to tell me.
For now, I will plan for more hikes in challenging situations. It's a good way to stay healthy, maybe not so wealthy, but also mentally acute / alert / proficient.
And those are good reasons to hike.

Random Thought of the Day

Still fighting off the jet lag.
I have multiple times now flown from the USA to Europe, and started hiking the next day.
I have yet to return to the USA from Europe (six hours ahead) and not suffer for a week, at least, from jet lag. 
Even today, I had to crash for an hour after morning yoga and lunch.

Speaking of which, I am slowly returning to my life style here.
Both Saturday and Sunday, I got out with the Genesee Valley Hiking Club for some good hiking, admittedly at much shorter distances, typically 4 - 5 miles.

Today (Monday) I made a morning gentle yoga class at the YMCA, and then returned in the evening for a half-hour session of weight training.


A chocolate English Lab Retriever is a good reason to come home LOL

So I guess that is all the hiking for 2022. It started in June with Deb on the Camino Madrid. Then Carlos, Adriana and I spent four days on the Iveragh Peninsula, County Kerry. They returned to the US, and I finished the hike. And last and whatever, December's Camino Munich.
After two years of Covid, 2022 was a pretty good year after all.

Signing off ...

Day 11: Returning Home

Day 11: From Munich to Rochester

DateDec 13th, 2022
Total This Camino:114 miles
Total 2022 Caminos:438 miles
Total All Caminos:1734 miles
Total Lodging:$ 675
Planes:$810 Rochester -> Munich -> Rochester
+ $75 checked bag
$680 Munich -> Rochester
Total Planes:$ 1550
Buses / Trains / Taxis:$13 to airport
Total Buses / Trains / Taxis:$45
Total Food:$ 220

Meaningful Moment

On the rapid express train, met a woman from the Ukraine who was vacationing in Munich with her parents, and they are all now on the way to her home which is in Bangkok now.

Also met a woman who is headed to the airport to meet her boyfriend and they will be vacationing in Munich.
She told me that they called the combination of Deutschebahn which is the train system and Telekomm which is the phone and internet network system and the Post which is the post office are collectively referred to in Munich as the axis of evil. Lol

Also chatted with a few other people because the rapid Express train was in a combination of running late and stopping short of the airport, requiring an unexpected transfer for everybody on the training. Lol

My flight to Lisbon is delayed 20 minutes.

Random Thought of the Day

Not today. Just want to be home.

On the Road / Notable memories

07:45 Up and at'em. 
09:00 at the rapid transit system waiting for the train to the airport.
10:30 train is now not going to the airport, have to transfer to another platform to get a second train.
11:00 at Munich airport
11:30 at the gate. Boarding was supposed to start in half an hour. Flight is delayed 20 minutes. ... Make that 45 minutes.
13:15 Take off from Munich. With a cat in the row behind me. 
15:45 Land in Lisbon. Flight to JFK is boarding. Ran like crazy but made it.
16:30 Boarding
20:00 Landed JFK
20:15 CLEARED Immigration and Customs
     JFK is a joke. After using global entry and getting right thru, I waited about 20 minutes for my checked-thru backpack, and had to carry it from terminal one to terminal five because there was no site to return it
     Then I had to go thru TSA again and they had TSA pre-check closed. 
22:15 Boarding in JFK for the flight home.
22:35 Wheels up.
11:50 Landed Rochester.

S-bahn to the airport

Lisbon weather. This why flight schedules were backed up.

Boarding in Lisbon.

Back Home Wrap up

Slowly Returning to the Regular Life Date Dec 19th, 2022 Total This Camino: 114 miles Total 2022 Caminos: 438 miles Total All Caminos: 1734...