Saturday, December 3, 2022

Day 01: From Munich to Schäftlarn

Day 01: From Munich to Schäftlarn

DateDec 3rd, 2022
Route map
Route trace
Today's distance: 15 miles
Total this Camino: 15 miles
Total 2022 Caminos: 355 miles
Total All Caminos: 1635 miles
Lodging: Hotel Schlee @ $80
Total Lodging: $ 110
Planes: $810 Rochester -> Munich -> Rochester
+ $75 checked bag
Total Planes: $ 885
Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 3 S-bahn to Isator
Total Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 15
Food: $ 30
Total Food: $ 55

Meaningful Moment

I had an event of great personal satisfaction this morning. 

I was in the Munich subway station, waiting to buy a ticket. In front of me two young men who were speaking Arabic and we're having trouble figuring out the ticket vending machine. 

They asked me for help. I was able to help them get the ticket because of my experiences yesterday with the subway system. 

I felt good being able to help somebody who needed a stranger to step up.

Random Thought of the Day

One of the little joys on this Camino is my ability to use German. It's a little example, but I ordered my coffee and paid the bill without having to resort to English or having the waiter write out the amount.

Have decided that if I want to rest day, or I want to modify the route I take, or even skip stages, that I will be perfectly comfortable with that decision. In the past I've been a little more rigid about following the Camino path.

On the Road / Notable memories

First 7 miles hour under foot. Stopped for my first trail coffee in Germany. I miss these mornings of long hikes with a coffee rest stop.

 Six more miles to go to the hotel. 

A few weeks ago I started wearing compression socks as part of my daily life. 
Completely different feeling while hiking. Feels like, expectedly, constant pressure on the toes. I'm hoping that at the end of the day, My feet feel less tired achy than on past hikes.
This is what other people have told me they have experienced.

I would say today was rather unremarkable. Certainly beautiful sights. 

The sky has been cloudy all day, just like in Rochester. I'm hoping that changes.

But the weather today was perfect for hiking. Temperature was in the mid-30s, which I prepared for in terms of clothing. Although it was cloudy, there was no rain nor snow.

The terrain was mostly flat with some rolling hills towards the end.

The hotel I'm in has not the best Wi-Fi. It does not reach the room, so I'm sitting in the restaurant, taking up a table because it's where I have to sit to get the signal. So anyway I'm having another coffee. :-)

Amusing story. My German instructors told me that the people here can be direct. 
After dinner, when my server brought the bill, he asked me directly if I wanted to add anything, meaning a tip. So I said sure. 
Then later I went back to the table because I forgot my room key. 
He calls me over and jokingly says, " In Italy we say strong legs, weak head. " 
I'm guessing because I walked away and then came back. 
So I said to him in German, " Today I walked from Munich to here. Tomorrow I walk from here to Hersching. I have strong legs. " 
I smiled and he laughed.

Starting my Camino in Isator, Munich

The first half today followed the river Isar.

It was a pretty urbanized setting for quite some miles.

First I thought it was a castle, but then I found out it was a church.

Halfway done in time for coffee break.

Small chapel that I came across.

Towards the end of the days and still following the Isar River.

As far as I can tell, my hotel is the only one in Schäftlarn and it has the only restaurant.

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Slowly Returning to the Regular Life Date Dec 19th, 2022 Total This Camino: 114 miles Total 2022 Caminos: 438 miles Total All Caminos: 1734...