Monday, November 14, 2022

Just Over Two Weeks to Go

Date04 Nov 22

Total All Caminos: 1620 miles
Planes: Rochester -> Munich -> Rochester
$ 810
Total Planes: $ 810

Meaningful Moment

Nov 14, 2022:

With only two and 1/2 weeks to go, I start the day attending the funeral service of a good acquaintance. As far as I know, his passing was unexpected. He was 61 years old. 

There are so many reminders lately of how precious life is, how lucky I am to still be here. It was 11 years ago that I pretty much beat back my POEMS cancer. Read My Blog Here. 

I long ago learned to avoid reading the obits. Not much good came from that activity. The one exception is when I receive my monthly issue from the Fleet Reserve Assc. I do look for friends and acquaintances from my time as a Naval Russian linguist. Those were good times. It is an odd combination of relief to not see anyone that I know in the list, and sadness to see someone that I do know (or did know).

During the Mass at the service this morning, as I approached the altar to receive Communion, I momentarily touched the draping over the casket. I was so surprised at the depth of a fleeting fragmentary feeling of finality.  It has been some time since I had last met Mike, yet what had changed and made me shudder in a way, was the idea that I would never ever meet him again. 

My 70th comes up in about 10 months. Since my 69th, I had been keeping in the background the significance of my next birthday. In a way, I am not surprised that I am here. In fact I plan on making it to 100. But there is now this nagging firing of brain cells that happens at sporadic moments that reminds that everyone has their finality. 

I suppose the question is whether we make our own fate, or whether we are driven along by some pre-programmed machine running in the background  that drops a lever, rotates a cog, spins a tumbler and then BAM, the bus hits you.

Perhaps this might be one of the things that I reflect on as I make my way through Bavaria.

Or perhaps I am simply sad ... today.

Random Thought of the Day

Nov 15, 2022:

My mood has lightened today. Perhaps I just needed some time to get over yesterday's sadness.

Since my return from Ireland in the first week of September, I have taking nine credits of language courses at RIT. The workload has been overwhelming. I thought that it would be exciting and challenging and rewarding. While it has been all of those, the workload has also been draining, tiring and incessant.

A little while ago I finished the last of the homework that I am going to do. I have three classes tomorrow and two on Friday. Then I am done. I will switch to an all-on focus for my upcoming hiking in Bavaria. 

I need to train to get into shape for 13-mile days. I need to repair a twitch behind my left knee that has the potential to upend everything. If fact, I saw my physical therapist today to get some exercises to at best make it better, and at worst to hold off any decrease in my ability to hike.

The highlight of the day was going out with grandkids for a Starbucks coffed and Subway sandwich. They always make me feel better. 

Special Topic

Nov 18, 2022:

Kind of jumping around here. Had my last class of the term at RIT in German and Spanish today. It was a lot of work. I had classes in German conversation, German grammar (Intermediate) and Spanish grammar (intermediate). For the last nine weeks, pretty much of my free time was tied up doing homework. 

I got in my yoga classes and hiking and pickleball play, but it seemed like I was running from one activity to the next. Now I have actual "down" time. 

I will spend it watching youtube videos about:

  •  Munich, e.g. the airport and train system, 
  • everyday activities like shopping, getting a room for the night, 
  • the Muencher Jakobsweg, and 
  • travel videos about the towns along the way, AND
  • THE WEATHER in Bavaria.
I must say that I really enjoyed the mental activities associated with all that language learning. It stimulated a lot of "grey" cell usage. I look forward to the spring 2023 term.

But now it is all about my upcoming trip.

Back Home Wrap up

Slowly Returning to the Regular Life Date Dec 19th, 2022 Total This Camino: 114 miles Total 2022 Caminos: 438 miles Total All Caminos: 1734...